it's now july 24th. i leave tomorrow to meet with brian and brad in the pittsburgh area for a couple days before we're off to africa. it almost doesn't seem real that the time has come. i have been busy getting everything squared away here at the ranch to the point that i may not feel like it's actually happening until i get on the plane tomorrow!
wether it feels like it's happening or not...we're ready! all three of us. physically we're all peaking at a good time, with few late set-backs in training. brian and brad have had more opportunities to work together at night hikes and brad is confident in both the system and his ability to climb on summit day. everything's purchased, bought, planned, sent for and recieved, broke in, and packed up. we're ready!
i want to thank everyone once again for your support of the 3 of us on this once in a life-time excursion. we could not have made it even this far without it. and thank you to the many people who have called and e-mailed these last couple days to wish us luck on the virtual eve of our departure. we're going to try to get information out to have our progress followed on the blog daily. if you don't see anything...we weren't able to communicate from the mountain and we'll be in touch as soon as we return. at any rate, we'll be sure to wave in a northwestern direction from the mountain!!!
I heard about your story through NBC10. It's inspiring and heartbreaking all at the same time. I wish you three the best of luck. Be safe and enjoy your climb!