the 20th of february already! i have been gearing up for spring and the opportunities that come with it as winter was seemingly winding down...that is until today. another nasty winter storm has come to not let me get too excited about spring yet. oh well.
training has been good this week as i prepare for the 'run the republic' stair climb. i'll be leaving tomorrow and climbing and returning on sunday. it's been interesting trying
to train for stairs without the access to any stairs. i do have about 6 steps leading to my front door, which i thought about running up and down about a thousand times but decided against it to avoid getting dizzy if for nothing else. instead, i just kept training. i'm sure it's a similar feeling for someone training to do a mountain without mountains around! i am fortunate in that aspect anyway. i climbed 'crazy woman mountain' this past monday. wow, what a view! not a very long hike, but steep with loose footing. it's always a rush to get to the top!

fundraising is coming along. a bit slower this week, but slowly and steadily we climb toward our goal!